First Red Scare (Topic 1)

  • Created by: bintahall
  • Created on: 19-03-19 10:53
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  • Red Scare (1919)
    • Event: 1917 Russian Revolution aroused fears of communism. There was an emergence of an American Communist movement. A wave of industrial unrest in 1919. Home-made bombs were posted to politicians and industrialist.
    • Reaction: Repression followed. Congress expelled socialist memebers. 32 states passed laws making memebership of (labour movement) organisations a crime. 9,000 people arrested and held without trial
    • The Growth and Fear of Radicalism
      • Truman's actions: 1947 established a Loyalty Review Board to investigate federal employees. By 1950 Republican politicians such as Nixon realised the Communism would help win their party support. Korean war in 1950 - created conditions which anti-Communism had bred
    • McCarthyism
      • McCarthy's rise: 1950 he claimed he had evidence that 205 communists infiltrated the state department, placing himself at the center of the anti-Communists movement. Over 2yrs he attacked gov agencies, the Democratic Party, liberals and Truman. Many saw him as heroic
      • The 1952 Election: Issues were Korea, communism and corruption. Eisenhower disliked McCarthy. The issue with communism helped Eisenhower win the election
      • McCarthy's fall: 1954 - He was exposed as a malicious person from investigations into the army that were broadcasted on TV. Senate passed a motion of censure on him and he lost his influence. Anti-Communism still remained strong until the 1980's. In the 1960's the Americans saw CR's activism and other movements as Communist driven
      • McCarthyismwas a period of anti-Communist suspicion in the US that was from the late 1940s-late 1950s. .
    • The age of fear? (1945-1954) Conservatives feared the Communists posed a threat externally and internally. Liberals feared Amerian's traditional freedoms were being damage by witch hunts. Hundreds of teachers and gov workers were losing there jobs for being suspected of being Communist sympathizers


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