Fight Club motifs
- Created by: Victoria
- Created on: 17-01-13 15:50
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- FIGHT CLUB MOTIFS (David Fincher 1999)
- The colour RED
- Tyler's leather jacket
- The car Tyler steals at the airport
- Tyler's sunglasses
- Homoeroticism/emasculation
- Jack straightens Tyler's tie
- Jack to Tyler after they meet for a drink after his flat's exploded 'we should do this again'
- Shots of FC members ********** before a fight
- Jack beating Angel face to pulp (jealousy) (could this also be seen as a reference to the rejection of Christianity?)
- Jack talks to Tyler as Tyler takes a bath
- Isolation/Loneliness/Alienation of modern life
- Marla calling Jack, who she hardly knows, when she's taken an overdose
- Tyler's house having no neighbours
- Chloe's dying request to 'get laid'
- Phallic imagery/ Masculinity
- Pornographic shots Tyler splices into films
- Gun in Jack's mouth at start/end of film
- Christian imagery
- FC members lifting Tyler up after his beating by bar owner Lou
- Face of Christ in Jack's tears imprinted on Bob's tshirt
- Disease
- Bob's '***** ****'
- Jack tells Marla 'I want bowl cancer' (wants that support group)
- Jack - 'what concerns me are... rogaine, viagra olestra'
- Marla asking Jack to check her breasts for a lump
- The Body
- The opening sequence inside Jack's brain
- Tyler's job as a projectionist (****)
- Tyler's job as a waiter (waste products)
- Tyler's job as a soap salesman (made from lipo fat)
- Magazine articles Jack reads written from a man's bodily organ's perspective
- The colour RED
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