England's Conversion to Protestantism 1547-1553
- Created by: brennamackay
- Created on: 04-02-19 12:09
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- Conversion to Protestantism 1547-1553
- 1547 - only 20% of people in London were protestant.
- Edward VI
- Many from the Regency council supported reform.
- Involved in the writing of the Second Book of Common Prayer 1552.
- Educated as a Protestant.
- Somerset
- The leader of the reformist party.
- Invited religious radicals e.g. Hooper & Ridley into his house
- Tried to please all factions, as shown through the fudge of the First Book of Common Prayer 1549.
- A 'confused and chaotic' religious policy.
- Northumber-land
- aims: a) build on Somerset's reforms. b) gain control of the church's wealth.
- influenced by spread of radical ideas in England.
- Specifically radical reformers e.g. Zwingli.
- Supported Cranmer's move in a more radical direction.
- Shown through the Second Book of Common Prayer 1552.
- Archbishop Cranmer
- Drafter radical 42 Artricles and Second Prayer Book.
- Always recognised Monarch as head of Church and importance of Royal Supremacy.
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