Fern Hill
- Created by: sophiekevans
- Created on: 08-06-15 15:56
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- Fern Hill
- A04 - based on Thomas' childhood where he spent summers in Wales at his aunts farm.
- Nostalgia
- Childhood
- Golden age
- Garden of Eden
- Innocence vs Experience
- Lamentation
- I was young and easy
- Time let me play and be
- I was prince of the apple towns
- Golden in the mercy of his means
- It was Adam and maiden
- Time held me green and dying
- Down the rivers of the windfall light
- Enjambment - particularly in first stanza creates a continuous sentence = fluid = freedom of the child
- A03
- 1) Time allows childhood to be golden, free and like an arcadia
- 2) He is at the mercy of time which eventually leads to adulthood
- A04 - based on Thomas' childhood where he spent summers in Wales at his aunts farm.
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