Fem perspective on the family
- Created by: Lishamxrie
- Created on: 23-01-19 17:34
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- Feminist perspective: Family
- Bott
- Joint conjugal roles
- Couples share household tasks
- Spend leisure time together
- Segregated conjugal roles
- Couples have separate roles in the family
- Spend leisure time apart
- Joint conjugal roles
- Oakley
- Feminist view of housework
- Reject the march of progress view and reject Willmott and Youngs view
- W+Y claims are exaggerated as her only study showed only 15% of husbands participated highly in housework, and only 25% in childcare
- Impact of paid work
- The family is far from symmestrical
- Women now have to take on housework and paid work
- Dual burden
- Feminist view of housework
- Smart
- Money
- Found gay couples were less likely to place importance on who controlled money
- Money
- Bott
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