Female characters in 'Doctor Faustus'

A summary of the characterisation of females in 'Doctor Faustus'

  • Created by: B_R_D
  • Created on: 14-03-14 21:28
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  • Female Characters in 'Doctor Faustus'
    • Excepting Belcher (the she-devil conjured by Wagner) there are only two female characters: Helen and the Duchess
      • Helen of Troy (the image of)
        • Faustus' ideal projection of women
          • Faustus' desire for body over soul
        • A silent female
          • In contrast to Faustus, an image rather than an individual
            • The characterisation of females in the play is extremely lacking. Furthermore, they are outnumbered by a male over-representation with 20 more male characters.
              • If answering an exam question on the theme of Female treatment, it is a highly plausible argument that 'Doctor Faustus' is not a text particularly concerned with gender
                • ... at least not as much as other themes.
                  • The point should still be made that Faustus does have an extremely masculine pursuit-of-power roe
                    • 'Learn thou of Faustus manly fortitude' - to Mephistophilis
      • The Duchess
        • Shown to have superficial desires;  'the thing my hear desires ... grapes'
          • The characterisation of females in the play is extremely lacking. Furthermore, they are outnumbered by a male over-representation with 20 more male characters.
            • If answering an exam question on the theme of Female treatment, it is a highly plausible argument that 'Doctor Faustus' is not a text particularly concerned with gender
              • ... at least not as much as other themes.
                • The point should still be made that Faustus does have an extremely masculine pursuit-of-power roe
                  • 'Learn thou of Faustus manly fortitude' - to Mephistophilis




Consideration of female characters in Dr Faustus can be overlooked, hence why this is a good resource to familiarise yourself with the specifics of the only female characters in the play. This may be important if answering a generic question about females in gothic texts in Section B of the exam.

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