Feedback, learning plateau and methods of guidance.
- Created by: paddy01
- Created on: 22-11-17 17:03
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- Feedback, Learning Plateau and Methods of Guidance
- Feedback
- Intrinsic Feedback: Sourced from within and received from performers proprioceptor's.
- Extrinsic Feedback: Sourced from outside and received from vision or hearing.
- Positive Feedback: Received when performance is successful in increase likelihood of being repeated.
- Negative Feedback: Received after an unsuccessful performance.
- Thermal Feedback: Given after a performance has been completed.
- Concurrent Feedback: Received during performance.
- Intrinsic Feedback: Sourced from within and received from performers proprioceptor's.
- Learning Plateau
- What is a learning plateau? A period of no improvement in a performance
- Causes of a plateau: Lack of motivation, boredom, coaching, limit of ability, low target and fatigue.
- Solutions: New targets or goals, find a new coach, more praise, rest intervals, more variety, feedback given and plateau explained to peformer
- Methods Of Guidance
- Visual Guidance: Guidance that can be seen as a demonstration.
- Advantages: Can be used to highlight weaknesses in conjunction with verbal feedback. Creates a mental image.
- Disadvantages: Demonstration must be accurate and must be steady and slow otherwise it could lead to confusion.
- Verbal Guidance: An explanation of the task.
- Advantages: Used in conjunction with Visual Feedback.
- Disadvantages: Too much information could lead to confusion and language must be understandable.
- Manual Guidance: It involves physical support.
- Advantages: Helps to eliminate danger and reduces fear and anxiety whilst increasing confidence.
- Disadvantages: Too much reliance on physical support and coach should restrict interference.
- Mechanical Guidance: Device used to help guidance e.g. arm bands in swimming.
- Advantages: Builds confidence similar to manual support and also helps to eliminate danger.
- Disadvantages: Can interfere with general feel of the whole skill and motivation may be lost.
- Visual Guidance: Guidance that can be seen as a demonstration.
- Feedback
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