Fat Soluble Vitamins
Here is a summary of the fat soluble vitamins. Don't forget to rate!
- Created by: Sally
- Created on: 23-04-13 20:40
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- Fat Soluble Vitamins
- Fat soluble vitamins can be stored by the body in the liver.
- Vitamin K helps to clot blood. It is found in green foods.
- Vitamin E helps to protect against heart disease. It is found in eggs, nuts, seeds and cereal products.
- Vitamin D
- Helps to form strong bones and teeth.
- Helps to absorb calcium in the body,
- Deficiency causes rickets.
- Found in sunlight, margarine, oily fish.
- Vitamin A
- Good for night vision- needed for the formation of visual purple.
- Found in liver, oily fish, milk, eggs.
- Deficiency causes poor night vision.
- Fat soluble vitamins can be stored by the body in the liver.
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