- Created by: tara
- Created on: 13-03-13 20:11
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- Fascist Italy
- Italy in 1896
- Society and economy
- 1870 - Unification of Italy
- Italy was poor. Agriculture was big.
- world food prices collapsed. Increase in wheat prices.
- Risorgimento - Italy rising up again. Rebirth. Unification.
- Malaria spread much of the south. Many deaths as diet was reduced to only polenta causing diseases
- Industry
- Lack of coal for steam power meant mass production was held up
- Italy hadn't really developed. Most production centered in small workshops
- Liberal Italy - The political system
- There was a monarchy - King took real power.
- King pushed for triple alliance with Germany and Austria
- Army was crucial to hold the new country together. Drilled nationalism and common language into recruits.
- Francesco Crispi a dominant politician contrasted italy with britain argued for limiting political liberty in italy because there was little respect for the monarchy.
- Prime minister Was determinded that italy should play a part as a great power
- Lacked the economic muscle and had lowest population.
- Italys weakness was displayed when the italian army was defeated by the absynnian army at the battle of adowa
- Prime minister Was determinded that italy should play a part as a great power
- lack of clear political parties was a result of lack of national tradition
- Trasformismois the concept used to describe the political system in italy. It was the process by which governments secured majorities from amongst the different factions in parliament by bribery and excercising pressure through prefects on local government.
- influence of the papacy
- the papacy was opposed by the liberal state
- Feared that liberal italy would be anti-religious in it education and moral policies
- Good catholics were not to take part in the politics of the hated new state
- The north south divide
- The south was poverty stricken.
- People in the south found it difficult to identify themselves with the new italy.
- Unification brought higher taxes and more intense conscription to the south
- Illteracy was common in the south
- economicallyit had not developed as north remained agricultural. South was still undeveloped. Pope still had a large following and would not recognise new state.to many politicians there was insufficent national pride. - NO ITALY WAS NOT REUNITED.
- Society and economy
- Italy 1896-1914
- Prime minister Giovanni Giolitti founded bank of italy
- Industries such as silk, cotton and wool made great strides.
- Sugar, wheat, use of fertilizer.
- However this reinforced poor south and modern, educated, developed north - DIVIDE
- Sugar, wheat, use of fertilizer.
- Industries such as silk, cotton and wool made great strides.
- Prime minister Giovanni Giolitti founded bank of italy
- Italy in 1896
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