Family- Theory
A summary of all theories to do with the family and households topic
- Created by: jadeycakes36
- Created on: 01-03-18 10:01
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- Family- Theory
- Functionalist
- Family is important as its the 'basic building block of society'
- Murdock- 4 functions of the nuclear family
- Stable satisfaction of the sex drive
- The biological reproduction of the next generation
- Socialisation of the young
- Meeting it's members economic needs
- Parsons
- Functional fit theory
- As society changes, the types of family that fits and the functions it perfoms change
- The two essential functions of the family
- Primary socialisation
- The stabilisation of adult personalities
- Functional fit theory
- Feminism
- Liberal Feminism
- Causes of inequality in relationships
- Mainstream working culture which requires long and felixble hours, which is based on the idea of a main breadwinner
- Men refusing to 'pull their weight' in relationships
- Solutions to inequality in relationships
- Greater gender equality in the public sphere- equal pay equal acsess to education
- Somervile (2000) suggests proposals to improve family life for women that involve modest policy reforms rather then revolutionary change
- Causes of inequality in relationships
- Marxist Feminism
- Women's oppression performs several functions for capitalism
- Women reproduce the labour force
- Women absorb anger
- Women are a 'reserve army of cheap labour'
- Ansley (1972) women absorb the anger that would otherwise be directed at capitalism
- Women's oppression performs several functions for capitalism
- Radical Feminism
- All relationships between men and women are based on patriarchy- men are the cause of women's exploitation and oppression
- Women have acquired the 'dual burden' of paid work and unpaid housework
- They argue further that women suffer from the tripple shift, paid work, domestic work and 'emotion work'
- Liberal Feminism
- Marxism
- The family perform the function of 'ideological control'
- The emergence of the nuclear family
- Engels
- The nuclear family emerged with capitalism
- Engels
- The family as Ideological Apparatus
- The family promote values that ensure the reproduction of capitalism
- Family as a unit of consuption
- Post-modernism
- Two key points in soceity
- Diversity and fragmentation
- As a result of these social changes family life has become diverse, no longer one dominant type of family
- Rapid social change
- As a result of these social changes family life has become diverse, no longer one dominant type of family
- Rapid social change
- Diversity and fragmentation
- Stacey (1998) “The Divorce-Extended Family”
- She found a new family type, members are now connected by divorce rather than marriage
- Hareven (1978) “Life Course Analysis”
- Sociologists should be concerned with focus on individuals and the choices made regarding family arrangements
- Two key points in soceity
- Functionalist
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