Family and relationships
- Created by: 10robertsl
- Created on: 01-06-16 12:36
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- Friends
- Importance of friends
- Can give good advice
- Always there for you
- Same interests
- Someone you can laugh with
- Honest
- Someone you can trust/rely on
- Someone who knows you well
- More important than family?
- Easier to confide in friends
- Family more permenant
- Trust is important in a family
- Friends the same age; understand more
- Strict/lenient
- Good listeners
- Importance of friends
- Marriage
- Why less popular?
- Expensive to get married
- People having children later
- Often seen as unnecessary
- Easier to just live together
- Why people get married
- Important for social cohesion
- Shows commitment
- Adds romance to life
- Role models for children
- Excuse for a celebration
- Living alone
- Independence/ more freedom
- No need to comprimise
- Financial problems eased
- Good for those who do not want responsibility
- Housing shortage, selfish?
- Lonliness
- May regret it later
- Shows lack of responsibility
- Living together
- Get to know someone before commitment
- Less expensive
- Gives people more freedom
- Marriage is oldfashioned
- May lead to fewer divorces
- Lack of commitment
- Less stability for children
- Encourages people to be less serious relationships
- Why less popular?
- Parents-children
- Causes of arguments
- School/ homework/ studies
- Friends, relationships
- Housework
- Money
- Clothes/music tastes
- Untitled
- Causes of arguments
- Friends
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