Families & Households

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  • Families and Households
    • Family Diversity
      • Types Of Family
      • Modernism- New Right & Functionalist views
      • Chester & Neo Conventional Family
      • Rappoports- 5 Types of diversity
        • Class
        • Organisational
        • Cultural
        • Life Stage
        • Generational
      • Postmodernism
      • Sociology & Personal Life
    • Demographic Trends & Migration
      • Birth Rate
      • Death Rate
      • Life Expectancy & Ageing Population
      • Migration
    • Domestic Division of Labour
      • Instrumental & Expressive
      • Segregated & Symmetrical
      • Housework
      • Childcare
      • Emotion Work
      • Decision-Making & Power
      • Domestic Violence
    • Social Policies
      • Comparative View
        • Iran
        • Romania
        • China
        • Germany
      • Theoretical View
        • Functionalists
        • Donzelot
        • Feminism
      • Policies since 1990 to now
      • Policies in the family & the impact of policies
    • Childhood
      • As a social construct
      • History
      • Position of childhood today
      • March of progress view
      • Conflict View
      • Death of childhood & Toxic childhood
      • New sociology of childhood
    • Changing Family Patterns
      • Marriage
      • Cohabitation
      • Singlehood
      • Divorce
      • Living Apart Together
    • Sociological Theories
      • Functionalism
      • Marxism
      • Feminism
      • Personal Life Perspective


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