Sociology AS
- Created by: Kiera Wightman
- Created on: 07-12-12 10:51
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- Family Diversity
- The Symmetrical Famiy
- Young and Willmott's idea that the family is now symmetrical
- This means that: There is a joint divison of labour between the Man and the Woman
- They both work and share the housework, they also spend their spare time together
- Women have equality in the family with economical decisions
- They both work and share the housework, they also spend their spare time together
- This means that: There is a joint divison of labour between the Man and the Woman
- Young and Willmott's idea that the family is now symmetrical
- Family Types:
- Reconstituted- two people from previous marriages and their children.
- Cohabitation- an unmarried couple living together.
- Lone-Parent- Parent and their children (normally headed by the woman
- Same-sex- gay/lesbian family
- Nuclear- traditional family, man woman and their children
- Extended- wider kin (grandparents, aunties,uncles and cousins)
- The New Right, dislike family diversity.
- Family Types:
- Reconstituted- two people from previous marriages and their children.
- Cohabitation- an unmarried couple living together.
- Lone-Parent- Parent and their children (normally headed by the woman
- Same-sex- gay/lesbian family
- Nuclear- traditional family, man woman and their children
- Extended- wider kin (grandparents, aunties,uncles and cousins)
- They believe that the nuclear family is the "natural"
- The nuclear family provides the necessities that that other family types cant bring
- Believe Divorce and the welfare state is to blame of the decline of the nuclear family.
- Family Types:
- The Symmetrical Famiy
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