Explorers or Boys Messing About, Steve Morris

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      • 'LAST NIGHT THERE WAS RESENTMENT IN SOME QUARTERS' -  emotive language though he doesn't specify where the resentment comes from.
      • "TRUSTY HELICOPTER" - Quotation marks are used to suggest that only the explorers themselves thought it was trustworthy. Undermines the credibility of their claim.
      • "NOTHING SHORT OF A MIRACLE"- this use of direct speech helps to emphasise the peril the men were in and the mess they made.
      • 'I'M SURPRISED THEY USED THE R44"- expert opinion actually offered. Direct speech used. Opinion supports Morris's critical view of Mr. Brooks and Mr. Smith.
    • QUOTES
      • 'EXPLORERS OR BOYS MESSING ABOUT?' - men are in their 40s, so using the word 'boys' is derogatory. Rhetorical question .
      • 'EITHER WAY, TAXPAYERS GETS RESCUE BILL'- Journalist's opinion is clear through headline. Morris seeks to generate an opinion against the men, and make them seem a burden to ordinary people.
      • 'THEIR LAST EXPEDITION ENDED IN FARCE'- 'farce'- an event absurd or disorganised. Emotive word makes the reader expect to be displeased.
      • 'EXPERTS QUESTIONED'- without stating evidence or specifying yet, Morris places these negative opinions at the start to form readers opinion.
      • 'MR. BROOKS' BREITLING EMERGENCY WATCH'- Expensive watch, suggests the men are wealthy, reminds reader of the issue of wasting taxpayers' money.
      • 'DESPITE THEIR EXPERIENCE'- Morris quickly shifts back to negative
      • 'THEY'LL PROBABLY HAVE THEIR BOTTOMS KICKED AND BE SENT HOME THE LONG WAY'- Miss Vesty's quote makes the men seem like naughty school boys (throughout) and this is the final impression Morris leaves reader with.
      • Majority of article is critical of explorers, and details of their experience is buried close to the end, embedded, when a negative opinion is already formed, followed by another reminder of their failure.
      • We don't hear directly from the men
      • The wife makes the remarks of them being 'boys messing about'.
      • Morris thinks that provoking taxpayer outrage is a good way to make his story interesting.
      • Morris thinks the explorers were foolhardy and irresponsible and thinks it will be easy to persuade his readers to agree.
      • Morris thinks the well off people should not expect the taxpayer to support their adventurous exploits.
      • Attention grabbing headlinne.
      • Emotive language to provoke reader.
      • Journalistic technique such as short paragraphs + opinions disguised as facts.
      • Use of expert opinions to comment on and support story
      • Use of structure to form the reader's opinions.
      • Use of structure to bury positive statements of the men.




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