Explorer's Daughter, Kari Herbert
- Created by: RandomEpicness
- Created on: 18-06-20 12:03
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- 'MY HEAR ALSO URGED THE NARWHAL TO DIVE, TO LEAVE, TO SURVIVE.'- Rule of 3, desperation for narwhal to escape despite wanting the hunter to win- dilemma.
- '"HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY EAT SEAL?"'- Direct speech to represent opinions of westerners- expected readers.
- 'EVERY HUNTER WAS ON THE WATER'- Short sentences= Tension.
- 'GLITTERING KINGDOM'- Metaphor, this phrase conveys beauty of the Arctic scene- giving it a fairy tale feel.
- 'SPECTRAL PLAY OF COLOUR'- play on words, beauty of arctic. Can resemble a spectre or a ghost= unreality OR colours, waves of light. Physical and Mystical, on going theme in text.
- 'EVENING LIGHT WAS TURNING BUTTER-GOLD'- 'butter' with 'gold' intensifies the colour- richer and more luxuriant.
- 'VALUABLE PART OF THE DIET FOR BOTH MAN AND DOGS...ITS SINGLE IVORY TUSK...WAS USED FOR HARPOON TIPS'- Factual and detailed paragraph showing the necessity of hunting narwhal- simple and shows they do not waste any part of the narwhal. Also prepares us for the hunting scene.
- 'THE WOMEN CLUSTERED'- Suggests sense of community. Just like narwhal have their pods, the humans have their groupings.
- 'EACH WIFE KNEW HER HUSBAND INSTINCTIVELY'- the word 'instinctively' reminds us of animals- Herbert suggests balance between forces of man and narwhal.
- 'IT WAS CRUCIAL...STAPLE DIET'- These words emphasise that hunting is a matter of survival for Inuit people.
- 'THEY TALK TO ONE ANOTHER UNDER WATER'- 'talk' builds our sympathy and also shows how they too are a community or a family.
- 'THE HUNTER HAD NO RIFLE'- Shows vulnerability of the men and also shows that it is fair, no advantage like gun.
- 'MY HEART LEAPT FOR BOTH HUNTER AND NARWHAL' Feels sympathy for both men and whales. Tension of situation- 'heart leapt'
- 'HUNTING IS STILL AN ABSOLUTE ABSOLUTE NECESSITY IN THULE'- concludes with a clear stated opinion using a simple sentence.
- First paragraph, Herbert invites her reader to share appreciation of the arctic= Sympathy for both men and whales.
- Focus shifts, language becomes more factual, she establishes the necessity of hunting.
- Focus shifts again to hunt- excitement + tension but dilemma of who to support. After this she doesn't tell us what happened.
- Passage ends with her firmly supporting the need to hunt in Thule.
- Sympathies with both sides- both have the right to exist in their traditional ways.
- Understanding of someone lived in Thule- experienced.
- Factual knowledge to persuade.
- empathise with attitudes of Westerners, whilst disagreeing.
- Believes in the necessity of hunting in Thule.
- Descriptive language. Factual, informative language.
- Structure for persuasion.
- Direct engagement with an opposing view
- Complex sentences for description. Short sentences for tension.
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