Explanations of Gender Development
- Created by: _laurenb
- Created on: 07-05-15 19:50
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- Explanations of Gender Development
- SLT Explanation
- Reinforcement: rewarding or punishment
- Fagot (supportive)
- Dweck (supportive)
- Imitation: copying behaviour
- Identification: similarity to attractive person
- Modelling: copying behaviouir or a model
- Masters et al. (supportive)
- Perry & Bussey (supportive)
- ADV'S:- considers social influence - considers cognitive processes cross-cultural studies on variation - much suportive evidence DISADV'S:- does not show gradual development - artifical studies to support - disregards biology - cannot explain the emergence of new trends as it shows behaviour to be imitated - does not explain gender differences between siblings- does not explain why some view on gender are more rigid than others
- Reinforcement: rewarding or punishment
- Psychodynamic Explanation
- Development during phallic stage (4-5 years); bisexual before
- Oedipus complex for boys; Electra complex for girls
- Little Hans (supportive) & Green (refuting)
- DISADV'S:- Controverisal due to childhood sexuality - Gneder develops earlier than 4/5 years- evidence refutes (Green)- supportive evidence has no empirical support & did not include contact between Freud and the child - Freud claimed women were 'a great mystery' to him, not being happy with Electra Complex - Freud's work not considered relevant by psychologists
- VARIATIONS: Horney; Erikson; Chodorow
- Development during phallic stage (4-5 years); bisexual before
- Biological Explanation
- Sex Chromosomes
- Atypical sex chromosomes
- Klienefelter's syndrome (XXY)men; underdeveloped genitals; lack body hair; infertile; poor language skills; passive temperament
- Turner's Syndrome(XO)women; ovaries don't develop; short, squat body; webbed neck; higher than average reading ability; difficulty in social adjustment;low spatial ability
- Imperto - McGinley (Batista Boys) & Money and Erhardt (Bruce)BOTH SUPPORTIVE
- ADV'S: -supportive evidence DISADV'S- evidence from artificial studies unethical studies- McGinley study suggests environmental factors- Money study observer bias
- Atypical sex chromosomes
- Hormones
- Oestrogen = PMS & PMT
- Increased emotionality, anxiety & irritability
- Golombuk & Fivush (refuting)
- DISADV'S:- Unconvincing evidence - Influence of environmental factors -Arguement that gender is socially constructed, not biologicallyADV'S:- supportive evidence- used as a defence in court
- Testosterone = aggression
- Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
- Dabbs (supportive) & Tricker (refuting)
- DISADV'S:-Cause or effect?- Hard to generalise from animals to humans-Environmental factors influence aggressiveness- Oversimplification of aggression- Self-fulfilling prophecyADV'S:- supportive evidence
- Oestrogen = PMS & PMT
- Sex Chromosomes
- Cognitive Explanation
- Kohlberg's Cognitive Developmental Theory: age-related stages
- 1. Gender identity2. Gender stability 3. Gender constancy
- Slaby and Frey & Damon (both supportive)
- ADV'S:- applies to many cultures- supportive evidenceDISADV'S:- describes but does not explain- gender schema proves that children develop before or after the ages stated for each stage
- Gender Schema Theory
- 1. children associate things with each sex 2. children make links between components 3. children link components to each sex
- Boston & Levy (supportive)
- ADV'S:- related to real life- supportive evidence- explains why children copy behaviour appropriate to their gender- 'the most influential approach to understanding gender' DISADV'S:- ignores social influence - does not explain a males extreme gender-stereotyped behaviour compared to females- development occurs earlier in some cases
- Kohlberg's Cognitive Developmental Theory: age-related stages
- SLT Explanation
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