The Exclusion Crisis.
- Created by: Rjones9
- Created on: 30-05-14 14:44
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- Exclusion Crisis 1678-85
- The Popish Plot
- Test Act 1678 -> All peers and members of Commons to make declaration against transubstantiation, invocation of saints and sacrifices in mass.
- Exclusion
- First Exclusion Parlia 1679- Attempted to impose limits on future Catholic sovereign. Exclusion Bill passed for second time.
- 2nd Exclusion Parlia 1680-1681- Passed new Exclusion Bill without division and send to Lords. Charles had it thrown out, dissolved parlia.
- 3rd Exclusion Parlia 1681- Oxford. C offered compromise that Will & Mary be regents. Parlia refused + wanted exclusion. C dissolved Parlia and never called it again.
- The Popish Plot
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