Evil and suffering
- Created by: Rowanne Rees
- Created on: 28-04-13 15:38
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- Evil and Suffering
- The nature of evil
- Moral
- Natural
- Challenge and problem of evil to belief in God
- Epicurus, Augustine, Mackie, Hume
- The inconsistent triad
- God as creator
- Particular problems
- Animal suffering
- Innocent suffering
- Immense suffering
- Theodicies
- Augustine 4th century
- Irenaeus 2nd century
- Issues
- Is there an adequate religious answer to the problem of evil
- Are problems raised by animals, innocent and immense suffering strong proof against the existence of God?
- Do the theodicies of augustine and irenaeus fail to explain the existence of evil and suffering in a world supposedly created and controlled by God?
- The nature of evil
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