Evil and Suffering
- Created by: Sannah247
- Created on: 01-03-16 12:10
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- Evil and Suffering
- Augustinian theodicy
- God created a world that is perfect
- Evil came from decisions that humans made as they have free will
- Suffering is a punishment from God based on Adam and Eve
- God is good
- Evil is the going- wrong of something that is good
- God created a world that is perfect
- Irenaean theodicy
- God created humans so that they can develop
- God gave humans the right to choose either good or evil
- God gave humans free will
- God had to permit evil and suffering
- God created the world imperfectly so that it could develop into perfection
- Perfection had to be developed individually
- God created humans so that they can develop
- Free Will Defence
- Provides freedom to make good or evil choice
- The world is a good environment for humans to develop
- God cannot intervene as it would get in the way of human freedom
- Process theodicy
- God is also changing and developing
- God started the evolutionary process which leads to the development of humans
- Therefore, God does not have total control of humans and they are free to ignore God
- The universe is all about changing and developing
- As God is part of the universe he can feel everything
- God is also changing and developing
- Criticism- Augustinian theodicy
- If humans can choose evil, then it must have existed after a long time
- Hell existing shows that God is not omni-benevolent
- If the world is perfectly good then it can never go wrong
- If the world is not perfect, then God is to blame for evil and suffering
- If humans can choose evil, then it must have existed after a long time
- Criticisms- Irenaean theodicy
- Only produces misery and suffering
- Suffering does not result in positive human development
- Love can never be expressed by allowing suffering to happen
- Criticisms- Free Will Defence
- Is not a sound of an omni-benevolent God
- Criticisms- Process theodicy
- God is not omni-benevolent
- Denies God is omni-potent
- God allows evil and suffering
- Augustinian theodicy
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