Evidence of Class Inequality.
- Created by: KeelanCooke190596
- Created on: 08-05-15 20:15
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- Evidence of Class Inequality.
- Work.
- Statistic.
- In McDonalds it would take a floor worker over one million hours to earn the annual income of the CEO.
- Research.
- Davis and Moore.
- Theory.
- Functionalism.
- Statistic.
- Education.
- Statistic.
- Only 11% of the Oxford University population is working class.
- Research.
- Castles and Kosacks.
- Theory.
- Marxism.
- Statistic.
- Crime.
- Statistic.
- 44% of the prison population is of non skilled backgrounds.
- Research.
- Chambliss.
- Theory.
- Marxism.
- Statistic.
- Work.
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