evaluation of stop and search
- Created by: Jessica.C
- Created on: 03-01-14 16:13
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- Evaluation of Stop and Search
- - criticised for being used to much
- only 10% of stop and searches result in arrest
- + Mcferson report - record all stop and searches ethnicity
- Steven Laurence death now protects people
- + safeguard/code of practice A- cant search based on age, race or previous convictions / clothing
- - the criminal justice act and the terrorism act give the police to much power
- there is an opportunity to abuse this power
- - the criminal justice act and the terrorism act give the police to much power
- -a lot of people are unaware of their rights
- Tottenham leaflet experiment lead to 50% less stop and searches
- - reasonable suspicion is very vague
- makes it easy for police to justify- base it on an individuals behaviour
- + name number and station of the police officer must be given
- which makes the police accountable
- - deadly force can be seen as reasonable
- - criticised for being used to much
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