Evaluation of Checks and Balances
- Created by: powrieannie
- Created on: 07-06-16 10:06
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- Evaluation of the Checks and Balances system
- "An invitation to struggle"
- Creates dysfunctional power struggles between the branches
- Especially where there is divided government
- i.e. where branches are controlled by different parties
- This is often the case due to STAGGERED ELECTIONS
- i.e. where branches are controlled by different parties
- However...
- This is likely what the founding fathers intended
- As the exercise and concentration of power is not centralised in the executive branch
- Thus, tyrannical government is unlikely
- As the exercise and concentration of power is not centralised in the executive branch
- This is likely what the founding fathers intended
- Especially where there is divided government
- Creates dysfunctional power struggles between the branches
- "A recipe for gridlock"
- Creates dysfunctional power struggles between the branches
- Especially where there is divided government
- i.e. where branches are controlled by different parties
- This is often the case due to STAGGERED ELECTIONS
- i.e. where branches are controlled by different parties
- However...
- This is likely what the founding fathers intended
- As the exercise and concentration of power is not centralised in the executive branch
- Thus, tyrannical government is unlikely
- As the exercise and concentration of power is not centralised in the executive branch
- This is likely what the founding fathers intended
- Especially where there is divided government
- Creates dysfunctional power struggles between the branches
- "An invitation to struggle"
- The system creates an environment where the three branches must work together in order to achieve
- This leads to:
- Negotiation
- Bargaining
- Compromise
- Consensus seeking
- This leads to:
- The system creates an environment where the three branches must work together in order to achieve
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