Evaluation of Zimbardo & R+H
- Created by: EmilyRoseCotterell
- Created on: 08-01-18 13:39
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- Evaluation
- Demand characteristics
- Any influence put on by the experimenter that may make the respondant respond or behave in a certain way
- Zimbardo
- gave batons
- guards given sunglasses
- ppts wore uniform
- paying ppts may have meant they behaved as reuqired
- R+H
- ppts wore uniform
- ppts told they were selected
- Broadcasted meaning ppts could act to be a 'star' + play up to the cameras
- Ethical?
- Zimbardo
- Unethical
- physical + mental harm
- lied + deceived parents
- no explanation of what they prisoners would face
- R+H
- Ethical
- ethical researchers could stop study whenever
- ppts could easily leave whenever
- passed BPS ethics committee
- but it was so ethical that it lost its validity as it became un-life like
- Zimbardo
- Is conformity automatic?
- Zimbardo
- Gradual but yes
- R+H
- No
- Zimbardo
- Demand characteristics
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