Labelling Theory essay
- Created by: millyrobinson
- Created on: 16-06-17 10:48
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- Evaluate the usefulness of the labelling theory in understanding crime and deviance
- Intro: Labelling differs to structural theories and focuses on deviance as a social construction but can be criticised for not explaining the causes of crime.
- Paragraph 1: Becker definition of deviance, deviant careers and master status.
- Paragraph 2: +ve: different perspective regarding societal reactions. -ve: Taylor, Walton and Young there are acts that are intrinsically deviant such premeditated killing.
- Paragraph 3: Edwin Lemert primary and secondary deviance, deviancy amplification (Cohen).
- Paragraph 4: can be seen in real life examples such as child *********** etc. -ve: disagree that primary deviance is not crucial since it kick starts the process. It is important to know why some people choose to deviate.
- Paragraph 5: Jock Young - hippie marijuana users. -ve: small group in specific location and needs to repeated elsewhere to make general conclusion.
- Paragraph 6: Selective law enforcement - Cicourel study. -ve: fails to explain how stereotype of 'typical delinquent' came around in the first place.
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