Eva Smith character mindmap
- Created by: mbull
- Created on: 29-12-17 18:22
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- Eva Smith
- All the characters apart from the Inspector were responsible for her death
- She is a victim: an ordinary working class girl
- Every character used their power and status over her - the only option she had was suicide
- She is a victim: an ordinary working class girl
- Very attractive
- 'young and fresh and charming'
- 'a pretty, lively sort of girl who never did anybody any harm'
- Strong morals
- Refused to accept stolen money from Eric and she refused to marry him
- Used to represent any person we meet in our lives
- The focus of the play is the way each character behaves towards others
- Stood up to Mr Birling for higher wages but she had no hope against his status
- She was willling to be the voice of the working class
- Different names
- It does not matter if it was two people or one: the important thing is what they all did
- Relationships
- Mr Birling
- Sacked her because he felt threatened by someone standing up to him
- She was just a worker/'cheap labour'
- Sacked her because he felt threatened by someone standing up to him
- Mrs Birling
- Found her attiitude 'impertinent' and used her power to have her request for help refused
- Sheila
- Was jealous of Eva and used her power as a valued customer at Milwards to have her fired
- Eric
- Took advantage of her and got her pregnant
- She didn't want to marry him as he didn't love her
- Gerald
- She cared for him deeply and was distraught when he ended their relationship
- He rescued her from prostitution
- Mr Birling
- Significance
- Represents the lower/working class
- Priestley uses her tragedy to jolt us into thinking about our responsibility towards others
- Helps characters/ audience realise the dangers of living selfishly
- All the characters apart from the Inspector were responsible for her death
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