- Created by: cfallis853
- Created on: 29-03-17 14:51
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- Euthanasia
- Singer "the killing of those who are incurably ill and in great pain or distress"
- Voluntary Euthanasia - when a patient requests to die
- Active Euthanasia - "A deliberate action to end the life of the patient" (kearon 1999)
- Passive Euthanasia - a situation where treatment is stopped and patient can die naturally.
- Involuntary Euthanasia - Euthanasia that has not been requested by the patients, but by their families or doctors
- Biblical Teaching
- Genesis 1:27 states that human life is created in God's image - life is sacred,
- Euthanasia is in direct violation of "you shall not murder"
- Christian views
- Catholic Church - following natural law, considers Euthanasia to be morally unacceptable
- Direct taking of innocent life which is contrary to God's plan
- Pope John Paul II - "Euthanasia is a grave violation of the law of God"
- Anglican Church - remains totally opposed to Euthanasia
- Presbyterian Church also opposes Euthanasia regardless of the motives.
- Hospice is a viable alternative
- Methodist Church are also opposed to Euthanasia and treatment that would only prolong suffering
- Catholic Church - following natural law, considers Euthanasia to be morally unacceptable
- Secular Views
- Personal Autonomy
- Freedom of the individual to make the choice as to when to end their life
- Freedom from pain
- Those that campaign for Voluntary euthanasia believe that it is an act of mercy that ends unbearable pain.
- A Dignified Death
- Some argue that they will have such a poor quality of life that it is no longer worth living
- Utilitarian Views
- when applying the Hedonic Calculus, euthanasia can be morally justified
- Personal Autonomy
- Singer "the killing of those who are incurably ill and in great pain or distress"
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