- Created by: Bigboi_Butterz
- Created on: 02-04-18 18:37
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- Euthanasia
- Sanctity of life
- Made in Gods image and life is precious so we should not end it
- Every human is given life by God (Life has intrinsic value, sacred, should be preserved
- Quality of life
- Peter Singer; Self awareness, conscience, rational thought, (autonomy) enjoyment
- Sometimes life is not worth living, Singer believes some living humans are less than that of other humans
- Types of Euthanasia
- Non - Voluntary; Where a decision is made on someones behalf (persistent vegitive state, those mentally and physically unable to make conscious informed decision
- Involuntary; decision is made with no consent at all (patient does not want to die)
- Voluntary; an individual makes a choice (patient freely chooses to die)
- Passive; Withdrawal from life prolonging treatment, death as a result (Legal in UK)
- Active; Administrating something or causing death knowingly (illegal in UK)
- Natural law
- Sanctity of life
- Taking your own life and others is immoral
- Apparent good and sin
- Precept, preservation of life
- Primary and secondary precepts, eternal divine, natural and human laws
- Doctrine of double effect
- Situation ethics
- Depends on situation, must gather information before choice
- Euthanasia 'Death Control' comes with some dignity
- Minimal IQ will need other to decide
- Moral to end life for those who cannot end it themself
- Moral to end suffering of those who will die
- Think of Agape, 4 working principles, 6 propositions.
- Think of whats best for individual, most loving thing
- Sanctity of life
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