The insitution of the European Union
- Created by: Josephine Hughes
- Created on: 27-03-15 09:13
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- European Law
- The council of the European Union
- Government of each nation in the union sends a representive to the council
- The council is the principal decision making body of the union
- Voting in the council us on a weighted basis- with each country having a number or votes roughly in proportion to the size of its population
- The commission
- 28 commissioners- supposed to act independently of their national origin
- Each member state has one commissioner
- Commissioners are appointed for a five year term and can only be removed during this term in office by a vote of censure by the European Parliament
- Each commissioner heads a department with special responsibilities for one are of Union policy
- it is the motive power behind the Union policy as it proposes policies and presents drafts of legislation to the council for the Council's consideration
- It is also the Guardian of the treaties
- Responsible for the administration of the union and has executive powers to implement the Union's budget
- European Parliament
- Has no direct law making authority
- main function is to discuss proposals put forward by the Commission
- Members of the European Parliament are directly elected by the people of the Member States in elections which take place every five years
- Members don't operate in national groups, they form political groups with those of the same political allegiance
- Main criticism is that the Parliament has no real power, However the assent of Parliament is required to any international agreements the Union wishes to enter into.
- Court of Justice of the European Union
- Functions set out under Article 19 of the Treaty of the European Union (TEU)
- Sits in Luxemburg and has 28 judges one from every member state
- Full court= 11 sitting judges, 5 judges in the chamber or 3 judges
- Each judge is appointed for 6 year term, can be reappointed for a further term of 6 years
- Court is assisted by 9 Advocate General whose task is to research all the legal points involved and ' to present publically, with complete impartiality and independence, reasoned conclusions on cases submitted to the Court of Justice with a view to assisting the latter in the performance of its duties
- The council of the European Union
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