Cell Organelles

  • Created by: Churchy
  • Created on: 16-01-13 13:24
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  • Eukaryotic Cell Organelles
    • Nucleus
      • Largest Organelle in the cell, 10 -20um in diameter.
      • Vital Role in Protein Synthesis
      • Enclosed in a Nuclear membrane, which contains many pores, about 100nm in diameter.
      • Pores allow communication between the nucleus and the cytoplasm
      • Nucleus contains Chromosomes, thread like structures visible during nuclear division.
      • contains 1 or more nucleoli, small, round, darkly staining bodies, they are the site of ribosome synthesis.
    • Mitochondria
      • Appears as rod shaped/ cylindrical organelles in electron micrographs
      • Large organelles 1um x 10um
      • Found in all cells, present in large numbers. metabolically active cells, for example muscle fibres contain thousands.
      • have double membrane. inner membrane folded to form cristae.
      • have their own DNA seperate from the DNA in the nucleus, you imherit mitochondrial DNA solely through the maternal line.
      • They are the site of aerobic respiration.
    • Ribosomes
      • The site of protein synthesis.
      • Minute structures, 25nm in diameter.
      • Built of 2 subunits.
      • Constructed of protein and RNA.
      • Many types of cell contain vast numbers of Ribosomes.
    • Endoplasmic Reticulum
      • A network of 2 single folded membranes forming interconnected sheets, tubes or sacs.
      • 2 distinct types of ER
        • Rough ER has ribosomes attached to its outer surface. Vesicles are formed from swelling at the margins that become pinched off.
        • Smooth ER has no ribosomes. SER is the site of synthesis of Lipids. SER also forms Vesicles.
    • Lysosomes
      • Small spherical vesicles bound by a single membrane. They contain a mixture of digestive enzymes produced by the GOLGI APPARATUS of the RER.
      • Breakdown the contents of imported food vacuoles, e.g. harmful bacteria that has been engulfed.
      • also fuse with and digest any broken down cell organelles.
    • Golgi Apparatus
      • Consists of a stack like collection of flattened membranous sacs.
      • One side of the stack of membranes if formed by the fusion of membranes of vesicles from the ER
      • At the other end of the stack, vesicles are formed from swellings at the margins that become pinched off.
      • The site of synthesis of specific biochemicals, e.g. hormones which are packaged into vesicles.
    • Microtubels & Centrioles




This is a well organised Mind map with good use of colour to separate the key organelles. Adding images to the downloaded Mind map would make it even more memorable. Team this up with a set of micrographs to ensure you can recognise the organelles and a table or grid so that you can list the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.



Great Analysis Buddy!!!!!!

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