Ethnicity and educational achievement
- Created by: 11pyoung
- Created on: 27-04-17 17:12
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- Ethnicity and educational achievement
- Material factors affecting underachivement
- Lina Platt
- Highest rates of pay for male full-time employees in the UK were for Chinese ethnic groups
- Tariq Modood
- Many ethnic-minority parents have more culture capital than is typical for their income or class position
- Lina Platt
- Cultural factors, ethnicity and achievement
- Archer and Francis
- Parents of Chinese pupils placed an exceptionally high value on education
- Tehmina Basit
- Cultural factors had an impact on educational achievement in British Asian communities
- Connor et al
- Among Year 13 students positive attitudes to education were strongest among Black African students planning to go on to higher education
- Archer and Francis
- Labelling, racism and pupil responses
- David Gillborn
- Schools are institutionally racist as teachers interpret policy in a way that disadvantages Black pupils
- Racism affects some ethnic minorities more than others
- David Gillborn
- Labelling, stereotyping and subcultures
- Gillborn
- African Caribbean pupils are ore likely to be given detentions than other pupils
- Jasper
- The expectation that White female teachers have of Black boys' behaviour dictate the form and style of the teaching that they offer
- O'Donnell
- The various ethnic subcultures have distinctive reactions to racism, prejudice and discrimination, which may have different effects on educational performance
- Gillborn
- Material factors affecting underachivement
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