Ethnic Explanations for Crime and Deviance.
- Created by: KeelanCooke190596
- Created on: 14-05-15 21:03
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- Ethnic Explanations for Crime and Deviance.
- Hall.
- Moral Panic created about black crime.
- Scapegoated to cover up the crimes of the upper class.
- Moral Panic created about black crime.
- Parkin.
- Some ethnic groups are a negatively privileged status group in crime.
- Hansard.
- When analysing senior judges, only 3.5% were ethnic minorities.
- Morgan.
- 40% of the magistrates background were of retirement age.
- 70% of these had professional jobs.
- 40% of the magistrates background were of retirement age.
- Reiner.
- Canteen Culture.
- Lea and Young.
- Relative Deprivation.
- Marginalisation.
- Subculture.
- Rex and Tomlinson.
- Racialised Underclass.
- Felt marginalised.
- Racialised Underclass.
- Nightingale.
- Paradoxical.
- Consumer Culture is promoted.
- Yet is institutionally racist.
- Consumer Culture is promoted.
- Paradoxical.
- Gorden.
- Ethnic minorities are part of a culture of resistance.
- Fitzgerald.
- Justification of Crime.
- Linked with school failure.
- Alienation from school.
- Anti-School Subculture.
- Linked with school failure.
- Justification of Crime.
- Hall.
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