Establishment of Nazi's 1933-1939
- Created by: Eleanornixon31
- Created on: 09-03-21 10:52
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- Establishment of Nazi's Review
- How did Hitler consolidate his power?
- Reichstag Fire - Feb 1933; blamed communists; started by a Dutch anarchist
- March 1933 Elections- Nazis had 288 seats; Used SA to intimidate opponents; chose nationalists to gain majority
- The enabling act 1933- Enables one party state; dismantled Weimar republic, Hitler could pass laws
- Gleichschatung- Nazification of German society; created Nazi state governments; Political parties dissolved
- Night of long Knives- Hitler ordered SA members to be shot; over 200 killed, SA limited
- Death of Hindenburg- died on 2nd August 1934; Hitler able to become Fuhrer; established dictatorship
- Nazi Government
- Role of Hitler-Impression of being a dynamic leader; but he didnt co-ordinate; decisions based on informal conversations
- Administration- limits to Nazi power as state institutions remained; Reich chancellory found it difficult; wasnt designed to govern
- Censorship& Propoganda- Culture had to represent Nazi values, broadcasting under Nazi control, Goebbles head of propaganda
- Machinary of terror- Gestapo, **, concentrationcamps
- Opposition to Nazi Policies
- Communists used Red Orchastra to spy on Nazi regime
- Social Democrats produced pamphlets and used an underground network
- Hitler Youth opposition groups created I.e swing youth
- Treatment to opposition
- SD's arrested
- Gestapo infiltrated Red Orchestra network
- Overall limited resistance due to terror and economic miracle
- Nazi Religious policy
- Opposition- protestant Bishops arrested for opposing; Catholics agreed to stay out of politics; Nazi's closed church schools
- German Faith Movement- Sought to remove Germany away from Christianity;only 5% following; Belief of cult of Hitler's personality
- Nazi Economic Policy
- Public work- Schleicher scheme; unemployed men 18-25; built roads, schools, hospitals
- Schact's new plan- gov control over trade and tariffs; trade treaties; German pucrhase's made by Reichmarks
- Strength through Joy- get workers support and economic development; offered benefits; only to loyal workers
- Goring 4 year plan- aim to increase war production; increase agriculture and industrial imports; large plants built
- Conscription & rearmament- introduced to help unemployment; caused food shortages; discontent amongst working class
- German labour front- replaced trade unions; higher wages demand silenced; Nazi control
- Woman and Youth
- Women- Kinder, Kuche, Kirche; Mother's cross; No makeup/heels; interest free loans
- National socialist womanhood, German womans enterprise
- Youth- Hitler youth organisation promoted unity of german people, woman taught how to cook, clean, mothering, boys taught how to fight and prepare for military
- Schools- emphasis on Nazi subjects, RE removed, under control of Reich ministry
- Women- Kinder, Kuche, Kirche; Mother's cross; No makeup/heels; interest free loans
- Nazi racial policy
- Jewish population- sent to camps, businesses boycotted, Citizenship act; jew curfew, 17,000 polish jews expelled from Germnay
- Other groups- Gypsies, disabled, homosexuals, criminals; euthanasia campaign; 350,000 men sterilized from 1934
- Did ordinary Germans benefit from Nazi rule
- Industrial workers- wages were slow and hours long, unemployed got no benefits; no trade unions
- Farmers- price controls; farmers left; Nazi's ignored agricultural investment
- Small businesses- had to compete with big businesses; gov wrote off debt; wages were low
- Big businesses- helped by Nazi's; forced to invest in research materials; manager wage rose
- How did Hitler consolidate his power?
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