Ergogenic aids
- Created by: Molly Hemeter
- Created on: 22-03-16 18:22
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- Ergogenic aids
- Chemical
- Creatine- enhances ATP-PC system by 20%= 12s
- Glutamine- post exercise reinforcing immune system
- Caffeine- stimulates CNS but is a diuretic thus dehydration
- Alcohol- small quantities= relaxant but decreases performance. Dehydration
- Carbo-loading- 70%, complex carbs, increases glycogen stores, for aerobic
- Amphetamines- increases arousal
- Beta blockers- reduces HR, BP and tension. Heart failure
- Anabolic steroids- increase lean body mass, artificial strength and power. Masculine features
- Human growth hormone- bone growth. Increases lean body mass, artificial strength and power.
- Any substance or method which enhances performance
- Psychological
- Imagery
- Visualisation
- Hypnosis
- Music
- Physiological
- Altitude training- Live high, train low. Increase density and volume of haemoglobin
- Therapies- physio, acupuncture, massage, ice baths, belts, vests. recovery pump system
- Blood doping- removal of athletes blood, stored, body re manufactures blood, replace blood. Temporary increase in RBC. HIV and transfusion reaction.
- REPO- infusion of hormone EPO. Increases VO2 max, RBC production= increase in aerobic perfoamance. Blod clots, stroked and low resting HR
- Mechanical
- Nasal strips
- Specialist clothing- lycra etc
- Specialist equipment- bike frames, resistance equipment etc
- Compression clothing
- Strapping shot putters fingers/hand
- Artificial springs
- Weights in hand when jumping
- Weights attatched to feet when throwing
- Doping
- Administration of any substance/physiological aid foreign to the body with the sole intention of increasing performance in an artifical or unfair manner.
- Faster, stronger, train harder/longer,increased chance of success, increase aggression, control nerves, muslce hypertrophy, weight control
- How to stop
- Random tesiting
- Liaison between relevant organisations
- Strict sanctions/punishments
- Unified NGB polices
- positive/ negative role models
- More money into research and testing
- Education
- Chemical
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