EPQ Ideas
- Created by: katie073
- Created on: 07-04-21 19:22
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- Language
- Do our languages affect our reality?
- Words can have different meanings in different languages - some words don't even exist in all languages
- Compare articles on the same topics and demonstrate our they use language to present different opinions on the same topic
- Language use throughout history
- Contextual history of slurs - what makes a word offensive?
- Is journalism inherently unreliable?
- Is our main stream media compelled to be alarmist?
- What makes a source trustworthy?
- Is journalism a threat to democracy?
- Fake news - Trump vs Biden - research how political figures utilise the media to their advantage
- When should we lose our right to free speech?
- Newspapers / TV vs Social Media Journalism
- How does the media we consume affect our political views?
- Do social media algorithms give us political 'tunnel vision'?
- Psychology
- The psychology behind our reliance on personality types.
- Accuracy of personality tests
- Sources
- Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
- Psychology
- The psychology behind our reliance on personality types.
- Accuracy of personality tests
- Is journalism inherently unreliable?
- Do our languages affect our reality?
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