English Language- Of Mice and Men- How to answer the questions
- Created by: Toyo Fasan
- Created on: 21-04-13 22:10
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- English Language- Of Mice And Men
- Explore how the language in the extract influences the reader's view of...
- Clothing
- Speech
- Interaction
- Movement of Character
- Environment
- Movement of Character
- Interaction
- Speech
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Verbs
- Figurative Speech
- Verbs
- Adverbs
- What happens in the extract?
- What key Phrases show me this?
- How do you feel as a result?
- How have you been influenced?
- How do you feel as a result?
- What key Phrases show me this?
- Writing My Response.
- 4/5 P.Q.E's
- Part A- 25 MINUTES
- 4/5 P.Q.E's
- Part B- 24 Marks- 36 Minutes!
- Explore how the writer presents ...in one other part of the novel.
- 6 P.Q.E's
- Repeat Above
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