English Language
- Created by: Georgina Kilburn
- Created on: 02-01-13 16:12
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- English Language
- First 3 questions (8 marks).
- Read question twice. Underline key words. Think about what the question is asking. GAP the text, then use PEEL and answer the question. Use quotes and go down to word level.
- Comparing (16 marks).
- Read the question twice. Underline key words. What is the question asking you to do? PLAN - write a list of differences or similarities. Write words like; on the other hand, whereas, whilst and likewise. Write about both texts in the same paragraph.
- Last 2 questions.
- Use connectives, techniques and correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. Think about GAP and use techniques appropriate to the purpose, audience and genre.
- First 3 questions (8 marks).