Poems English Lit.
- Created by: maxim101
- Created on: 09-05-18 20:59
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- English Lit: Poems
- Porphyria's Lover
- "And give herself to me for ever."
- "and yet God has not said a word!"
- Love's Philosophy
- "Why not I with thine?"
- "And the moonbeams kiss the sea"
- Sonnet 29 "I think of thee"
- "my thoughts do twine and bud"
- "and breath within thy shadow a new air."
- Neutral Tones
- " they had fallen from an ash"
- "The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing"
- Letters from Yorkshire
- "It's not romance"
- "pouring aire and light into an envelope."
- The farmer's Bride
- " she turned afraid"
- " all in a shiver and a scare."
- Walking away
- "like a satellite wrenched."
- "into a wilderness."
- Eden Rock
- "They are waiting for me somewhere."
- "They beckon to me from the other bank."
- Follower
- "An expert."
- "Behind me, and will not go away."
- Mother, any distance
- "To fall or fly."
- "Mother, any distance greater than a single span."
- Before you were mine
- "Marilyn."
- " Where you sparkle and waltz and laugh, before you were mine."
- Winter Swans
- "Icebergs of white feather."
- "like a pair of wings settling after flight."
- Singh Song!
- "tiny eyes ov a gun"
- "Making fun at my daddy"
- Climbing my grandfather
- "the slow pulse of his good heart."
- "where gasping for a breath, I can only lie."
- Porphyria's Lover