English- life in the trenches
- Created by: hamster123
- Created on: 28-01-21 09:06
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- conditions in WW1
- shell shock- known today as PTSD- was also extremally common
- one of the most common conditions was trench foot
- they had a strict routine and had to be up before 5am for a period of being on high alert
- they hardly were able to sleep
- they had a Christmas truce
- this meant that they had a few days where no guns were fired and they actually just played football most of the day!
- trench warfare was primarily on the western front in WW1.
- they were surrounded by food, tins and other waste
- they had to do daily chores such as digging more trench and filling sandbags
- if the trench came under sudden attack the men could be buried alive
- they had to do endurance challenges
- they would often get cake and chocolate sent over from familys
- if they had no treats they would have to have effectively tinned corned beef
- they could have tea
- Untitled
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