Energy Conservation
- Created by: Sharon
- Created on: 09-04-15 16:07
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- Energy conservation
- Designing Homes
- WOKING: provide a "show home"
- loft insulation
- solar water heating panels
- solar panels
- underground water tank collecting rain water to flush toilets
- kitchen appliance 'A' rated
- insulated walls
- light sensors
- energy efficient bulbs
- 'passive' stack ventilation - natural flow of air
- ideas on website on how to save energy
- Upgrade social priority housing (double glazing, insulation, loft insulation, hot water cylinder insulation
- WOKING: provide a "show home"
- Workplaces
- Ecover
- Based Belgium - minimise transport (central Europe)
- Excess machine heat heats building. Sensor lights. Consumer money off for refilled bottles. Large volumes. Natural sunlight (south facing). Replaced land built on to roof.
- German Parliament
- Renewable energies for 80% of its fuel. (mix of solar, geothermal, combined heat & power)
- Turning everything off, sensitive lights, reused material, training staff, solar panels and smart metering system.
- 2001 UK climate change levy - all business pay tax but tax incentives if adopt energy efficient schemes
- Ecover
- Transport
- "Boris" bikes
- Traffic fallen by 21%
- cyclists increased by 43%
- accidents rates down by 5%
- CO2 fallen by 12%
- 6000 bikes, 12 cycle super highways - first 30 mins free
- Congestion charges
- Since 2003 - charge of £8 per day to drive in centre.
- encourages use of public transport.
- money raised goes towards London buses
- Traffic fallen by 21%
- cyclists increased by 43%
- accidents rates down by 5%
- CO2 fallen by 12%
- "Boris" bikes
- Different bus routes - 'arterial roads'
- faster as fewer stops and not meeting other traffic
- pay before you get on = quicker loading
- Bi - articulated buses
- 270 passengers
- Different bus routes - 'arterial roads'
- methods used to limit or reduce the amount of energy consumed.
- Greater efficiency or alternative sources that are renewable or less wasteful.
- Designing Homes
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