energy transfer and decay
- Created by: 11penny.j
- Created on: 21-04-16 17:34
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- energy transfer & decay
- enrgy from the sun is the source of energy for nearly all life on earth
- green plants and algae us a small % of the light energy from the sun to make food during photosynthesis
- material and energy are also lost from the food chain in the organisms waste materials
- this explains why you hardly ever get food chains with more than about 5 trophic levels
- material and energy are also lost from the food chain in the organisms waste materials
- respiration supplies the energy for all life processes including movement
- most of the energy is lost to the surroundings as heat
- green plants and algae us a small % of the light energy from the sun to make food during photosynthesis
- living things are made of materials theytake from the world around them
- plants take elements like carbon,oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen from the soil or the air
- they turn these elements into complex compounds that make up living organisms - these then pass throught the food chain
- these elements are returned to the environment in waste products produced by the organisms or when the organisms die
- micro-orgnisms work best in warm moist condidtions
- many of them break down material faster when theres plenty of oxygen available
- all the important elements are recycled returning to the soil to be used by new plants and back in the food chain again
- many of them break down material faster when theres plenty of oxygen available
- micro-orgnisms work best in warm moist condidtions
- these elements are returned to the environment in waste products produced by the organisms or when the organisms die
- they turn these elements into complex compounds that make up living organisms - these then pass throught the food chain
- plants take elements like carbon,oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen from the soil or the air
- enrgy from the sun is the source of energy for nearly all life on earth
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