Energy systems
- Created by: KatieHe
- Created on: 07-05-17 11:29
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- Energy systems
- Lactic
- Glycogen
- Glycolysis
- Pyrovic Acid
- Lactic Acid
- No o2
- 2 ATP produced
- Pyrovic Acid
- Glycolysis
- Work in this system for 1 min, used for example 400m
- Glycogen
- Aerobic
- Glycogen
- Glycolysis
- 2 ATP produced
- Pyrovic Acid
- Acetyl CoA
- Citric Acid
- Krebs cycle
- 2 ATP produced
- H20, Co2
- Electron transport chain
- 32 ATP produced
- Krebs cycle
- Citric Acid
- O2 yes
- Acetyl CoA
- Glycolysis
- Total ATP produced = 36 yield ATP used for example Marathons, infinite
- Glycogen
- Adensine tri phosphate
- Phosphate removed
- Phosphor-creatine stores used to replace lost phosphate
- Phosphate removed
- 1 ATP produced
- Work in system for 8-10 seconds, used for example shot putt, pole vault
- Adensine tri phosphate
- Lactic
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