Brunner vs Barth
- Created by: Emilyhilkene
- Created on: 12-06-18 11:31
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- Emil Brunner vs Karl Barth
- Brunner
- Natural
- Understood both sides, but thought it was most important to have natural theology
- NT is a point of contact before you get to revealed theology
- 'Imago dei'- image of God
- Humans lost a material god at the Fall but still have imago dei
- Exists spiritually
- Sin blinds humans to Gods natural grace, we only know his existence
- Grace and revelation (from faith) only allows us to work out who God is
- Closer to Calvin
- Barth
- Revealed
- Material self is too corrupted for natural theology
- No 'point of contact'
- God's law are divine, therefore differ from Natural law order
- NT undermines faith and over emphasises reason
- False understanding of what God is like
- Idolotry- false idol
- False understanding of what God is like
- 'NEIN!'
- Good reason to oppose NT
- Nazis were on the rise, they were all for natural knowledge
- Very extreme position of revelation
- 1936
- Brunner
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