Elizabethan Kenilworth
- Created by: cpoppy
- Created on: 02-06-18 17:46
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- Elizabethan Kenilworth
- Dudley
- Earl of Leicester
- Acquired the dilapidated castle in 1563
- Elizabeth's favourite noble
- Only man Elizabeth ever considered marrying.
- Turned Kenilworth into an amazing palace to impress Elizabeth and show status
- Changes
- New English garden with aviary and personalised features
- Leicester's gatehouse for show of status and convenience
- New Leicester's building for Elizabeth's accommodation, for her Ladies in waiting and in honour, and storage also.
- Innovative and very new architecture to show cultured nature of Dudley and status
- New lantern windows were the very fist of their kind, and showed wealth and status
- New keep windows and art gallery in keep.
- New horse stables
- Purpose
- To impress queen Elizabeth
- Coaxed Elizabeth into wanting to marry him
- Housed the queen and her court whilst on progress 4 times
- Dudley constantly made changes for Elizabeth's strict needs. She even had a personal staircase and dancing chamber
- Dudley
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