- Created by: yazminab
- Created on: 24-04-19 15:12
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- What do elite theorists believe?
- Two main groups in society:
- The rulers
- The ruled.
- Power in society is monopolised by a small dominant single class or minority group.
- Elitism is inevitable due to the superior characteristics of the elite
- More skilled, educated, organised, wealthy and talented.
- Social Darwinism: Biologically we are programmed as to who gets what, when and how.
- Elites make important decisions, middle classes make minor decisions. Nothing is decided by commoners.
- Two main groups in society:
- US governing elite theory
- US governing elite is drawn from 3 areas:
- Political leaders
- Alexander Haig
- Economic/business leaders
- Military leaders
- Alexander Haig
- Military leaders
- Economic/business leaders
- Political leaders
- Criticisms:
- Mills falsely believes that those positions of power actually hold power. Potential to influence only.
- failed to show if those in power work for the good of society or not.
- US governing elite is drawn from 3 areas:
- Fragmented elite theory
- Elite rule exists in democracies but don't believe that it is a single elite group.
- Various elites who are competing for power.
- Factions and groupings in political parties, e.g. Old and New Labour
- Because elites are so divided, e.g. backbench rebellions and trade unions.
- Problems with this theory:
- Assume those in power actually hold real power.
- Doesn't distinguish between Luke's 3 faces of power.
- Doesn't identify the underlying basis of who holds power.
- Criticisms of elitism
- Marxists claim elitist arguments support marxist views on who has power (economic resources)
- Doesn't prove that those in power use their position to further their interests
- theorists are very divided:
- how does the elite come to have power?
- Is it inevitable?
- How do we distinguish between the elite and the masses?
- Is it beneficial for society?
- Society can be classed as a meritocracy
- Thatcher was the daughter of a grocer, police recruit based on merit etc.
- What do elite theorists believe?
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