- Created by: Iz6379
- Created on: 31-05-19 11:24
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- Electricity
- Circuit symbols
- Series and parallel
- A series circuit is a circuit in which resistors are arranged in a chain
- The current has only one path to take
- The current is the same at all points
- In parallel circuit, current will be shared between branches
- But the current will always be equal the same at the cell
- A series circuit is a circuit in which resistors are arranged in a chain
- An ammeter measures current in a circuit, connected in a series-measures Amps
- A voltmeter measures P.D. connected in parallel across a component
- Potential Difference-PD
- Its the energy given by the electrons to the bulb,resisitor,motor etc
- The P.D. in a series circuit is split between each component but will always equal the P.D. across the cell
- In P.D. in a parallel circuit is the same across each component and will equal the PD across the cell
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