Egyptian Medicine
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: pxrklife
- Created on: 06-03-16 13:49
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- Egyptian
- Developments
- Farming
- Religion
- Written Language
- Tools
- Doctors
- Cities
- Trade
- Natural
- Disease
- Nature and the world
- Blocked Channel Theory
- Nature and the world
- Disease
- Supernatural
- Causes
- Sent by God
- Treatments
- Spells, charms and prayers
- Didn't dissect
- Bodies were needed in the afterlife
- Embalming
- Preserved bodies for burial
- Causes
- Blocked Channels
- Natural
- Disease
- Nature and the world
- Blocked Channel Theory
- Nature and the world
- Disease
- Knew that arteries and veins carried blood around the body
- Compared to the River Nile
- Irrigation channels blocked=plants will die
- Compared to the River Nile
- Cause of illness was blocked arteries and veins
- Treatments
- Bleed, vomit, purge
- Natural
- Hygiene
- Baths
- To please the Gods
- Toilets
- Slept under mosquito nets
- Prevent bites which were uncomfortable
- For their own comfort and beliefs not because they knew it caused disease
- Baths
- Developments
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