Effect of Stalinism and the struggle for power (1953-56) on Khrushchev’s government and leadership style
- Created by: lyd_kate
- Created on: 31-01-18 16:23
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- Stalinism & the struggle for power on Khrushchev's government & leadership style
- Reactions to Malenkov, Beria & henchmen
- Malenkov better outside relations, also to increase standards of living, less heavy industry
- Outmanoeuvred by Khrushchev, larger personality and head of party so more influence
- Failed coup, expelled from party 1961
- Outmanoeuvred by Khrushchev, larger personality and head of party so more influence
- Collective leaders wary Beria linked to purges Khrushchev admired
- Fought in great patriotic struggle - able to use army to remove Beria
- Malenkov better outside relations, also to increase standards of living, less heavy industry
- Role of Bulganin
- Replaced Malenkov, meant to be joint authority but Bulganin subordinate
- Argued Khrushchev moved too far from Stalin’s policies, unrest in Poland/Hungary triggered by his liberal policies.
- Forced to confess involvement in anti-party group
- Demoted. Khrushchev got total power
- The 20th Party Congress & Secret Speech
- Previously Malenkov's policies implied criticism of Stalin, not openly though
- Reviewed Stalin's career since 1930's
- Details of purges & individuals affected
- 'Cult of personality'
- Also foreign policy with Eastern bloc countries, bad war strategist
- Reasons for De-Stalinisation
- Excuse the actions of those involved in Stalin regime
- Progressive economic measures
- To remove cult of personality
- Reactions to Malenkov, Beria & henchmen
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