Edward VI - Somerset (1)
- Created by: Mary
- Created on: 10-04-13 13:36
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- Edward VI - Somerset (1)
- Rise To Power
- Step 1
- Sister married Henry VIII 1536
- Knighthood 1523 service in France
- Lord High Admiral and Leuitenant 1544 - 45
- Step 2
- Council system needs a leader, Somerset emerges
- Step 3
- Custody of will, kept death secret for 4 days
- Best way to preserve Royal Supremacy
- Reformers hoped for religious reform
- Step 4
- New Kings Uncle
- Chancellor says it's for 'the better conduct of buisness'
- Step 5
- Becomes Lord Protector
- Undisputed ruler of the county
- appoint/dismiss Privy Council
- Becomes Lord Protector
- Step 1
- Interpretations of Somerset
- "Good Duke"
- Genuine Reformer and Kind to the poor
- Northumberland blamed for trying to usurp the throne
- arrogant self seeker climbed to the top with crown lands and confiscated church property
- Tudor statesman main interest France/Scotland war
- Foreign Policy
- Negotiations with the French ended because Francais I died and Henry II was more agressive
- There was a war in 1547 because Henry II renewed the Franco-Scottish alliance and sent 4000 troops to Scotland
- England won the battle of Pinkie and held the borderlands but not Scotland so retreated
- The Epistle of Exhoration was a proposed union between England and Scotland but for political and religious reasons they sided with France and Mary was taken to France
- it was difficult to maintain the Scottish campaign because Somerset was reluctant to leave London in case French attacked and expensive
- In 1549 Somerset didn't want to lose the Scottish border lands but hand to deal with peasant uprisings
- Achievements of Foreign Policy
- Successes
- won the battle of Pinkie
- Somerset was a good field general
- did try to make the alliance between Edward and Mary Queen of Scots
- Failures
- Franco-Scottish alliance
- Failed to press the advantage after Pinkie
- Failed to deploy troops in 1549
- Indecisive
- found it hard to delegate authority
- Bound by Henry VIII's will to marry Edward and Mary
- Protestantism frustrated Charles V
- Chronic Money Shortage
- Successes
- Rise To Power
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