Edward Soja - 6 explanations for change and inequality
- Created by: Liberty
- Created on: 13-01-14 17:26
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- Edward Soja - 6 explanations of change and inequality
- 1. Post-Fordism: Industrial Metropolis
- Painful restructuring
- Deindustrialisation
- 37% less jobs in manufacturing in 1999 than in 1983
- Reindustrialised along the service sector industry
- Sunbelt city
- 1.3 million service sector jobs in LA in 1999
- 883,100 service sector jobs in LA in 1983
- 2. COsmopolis - The Globalisation of Urban Space
- Southern Californiabecame thoroughly globalised after 1965
- Southern Californiais now a key origin and destination point of the Pacific Rim Economy
- 3. Exopolis - the restructuring of urban form
- Changingurban patterns
- Polycentrism
- S.C has at least 20 centres
- Eddge cities
- 4. Fractal City - A restructured Social Mosaic
- S.C has become increasingly fragmented
- race
- Californiareceieves20% of all immigrants
- class
- gender
- income
- education
- race
- S.C has become increasingly fragmented
- 5. Carceral Archipelago - Governingof Space
- There has been an intensification of social and spatial control
- Increased police patrol, CCTV, gated communities, laws etc
- There has been an intensification of social and spatial control
- Simcities - Restructured Urban Image
- LA is becoming more manipulated and less real
- 1. Post-Fordism: Industrial Metropolis
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