Education 1918-1944
- Created by: evegauld1
- Created on: 09-01-21 08:19
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- Development of Education
- WW1
- The war highlighted the issues of the current education system
- The Lewis Report
- Community colleges provided vocational training for up to 18 year olds
- Curriculum divided between academic and skill based skills
- Fisher Education act 1918
- Implemented the changes recommended by the lewis report
- The Hadow Committee Report 1926
- Abolition of elementary schools and a division in primary and secondary education at age 11
- Tripartite system
- school leaving age now 15
- 1939
- financial problems were the key factors affecting education
- provision of education across the country was variable
- education remained socially divided
- not a social mobility enabler
- WW2
- Beveridge report
- ignorance had to be tackled as one of the five giants
- war revealed the lack of literacy skills among the soldiers
- Beveridge report
- 1944 Butler Education Act
- Butler made minister of Education
- Green Book
- Pushed to resolve many of educations issues
- Butler made minister of Education
- WW1
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